Thursday, September 4, 2008


So obviously I haven't been keeping this up... yes...duhhh. Well, to my defense, My camera is dead and we've misplaced (hopefully) the charger. We have been using the old camera and I don't know how to get the pictures off. I love pictures and putting them on with a little somethin' somethin' was the fun part. I'm just not one to get on the computer for fun. Hardly ever check my e-mail, don't surf the internet, etc... Anyone there with me?

This whole getting back to school thing has been a little time consuming. (but nice :) ) I am home schooling Monique this year, well, she'll be doing it on line. It took me a while to find a program that all the classes that she took would be counted toward her credits at public school. This one seemed like the right choice. We are still in the process of getting all the stuff done to get her books and things. Corbett is enjoying 2nd grade. He seems to do quite good in school. Doesn't struggle like the first two anyway. Thatcher likes being in middle school, but I think the realization of the work and independence that is involved is starting to sink in and he doesn't like that.

I'm gonna try to get back on track and be more current in this blogging thing. Wish me luck!!!


Monkeys ARDently In Sinc said...

Welcome back! I still haven't caught up from this summer's postings, and I keep finding neat things to put on my blog, which distract me from my catch-up.... let me know if you need any help with Monique (or something like that...)

Korbi said...

Best of luck in the blogging department, we've missed ya! I have no idea hwta you are talking about about the internet thing... I am on the internet all day long.... :) And good luck to all your kiddos starting another year.

Jess said...

Finally!!! j/k :) If you never blog again, I will still love you!!! I bet I could even do your posts for you :)
I am wayyyyy too obsessed w/ blogging!!!