Thursday, April 17, 2008

April Fools Rory!

Okay, so Rory and I haven't really done anything to each other for April Fools Day for quite a while. So, consequently I figured he wouldn't really expecting anything. Thatcher had been begging me to let him do this prank to his big sister and I kept saying "no way!, it's too mean!" Well, my evil side took control. I couldn't resist! I took two hot sauce packets, folded them in half and stuck them under the toilet seat bumpy things. Hee hee... (He always does his business around 9-10AM) I was downstairs when I heard this cry..."KATHY! have a mess to clean up!" I came up, and the sight that met my eyes made it all worth it!! I could not stop laughing! You know, with the tears... (He attempted, 'sadly', to get me back the rest of the day, poor Rory!) hee hee...


Monkeys ARDently In Sinc said...

Like Jane Payne's post about her FedEx fiasco, this made me crack up! I never thought of doing that, but the evil in me wants to do it to Doane next year! (Or sooner - I don't know if I can wait that long....)

brit said...

good work! too funny.